Sunday, May 3, 2015

duck derby.

Braxton, Auntie Mel, and myself spent yesterday morning with lots of local folks + local vendors downtown along the Swamp Rabbit Trail + Main Street for the Reedy River Duck Derby. We walked from Cleveland Park, enjoyed the sights along the way, stopped for ice cream, then began our short trek back to where we began. I know I say this all the time, but I love this beautiful city that I get to call home, and I try my best to explore it over + over again as often as I can. The sun was out, the sky was blue, smiles were exchanged by everyone we passed, and I found myself daydreaming about how fun it will be when B is big enough to enjoy days like this with us for himself. I was, also, extra giddy, because we added a new book to our collection - one that is extra special, because it highlights the beauty of the Upstate AND it was written + illustrated by two men who call Greenville home. They'll be at Artisphere next Saturday as well (so will we!), and I highly recommend you come out and look for the Goodnight Greenville tent.
 This particular morning was about as perfect as they come, and I'll be saying the same thing next Saturday, too!

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