Tuesday, May 26, 2015

family fun day | 2k15.

It's hard to believe that it's been a year since our first annual #familyfunday, and now we have our second annual in the books with it. About fifty of us gathered in Fountain Inn on Saturday afternoon to celebrate past + present + future milestones, and our time together consisted of playing wiffle ball, eating hot dogs + barbecue + plenty of fixins, shooting pool, playing cornhole, sitting around the bonfire once the sun began to go down, and making ourselves comfy in the shade while the sun was hottest. B was passed around like a hot potato so that mommy + daddy could participate in the games, and he was perfectly content even with limited nap time. Everyone felt the effects of this day when they got up the next morning (myself included), but I think we'd all agree that every ache + pain was worth the memories made. Cheers to a big family and another happy memory!

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