Tuesday, February 20, 2018

they see me rollin'.

Braxton got a brand new balance bike for Christmas, and he's been tearing up the road with it since! I did lots of research on the best started bikes for kiddos, and ultimately decided that a balance bike was the route we should take. He is already racing around like a professional, and I'm usually running alongside of him to see who will win the race. We spend lots of time just out in the driveway (perfect for when baby sister naps), but we also take frequent trips downtown and have even done some trail biking with one of his little buddies.

The best part is seeing his eyes light up with pride when he gets going fast or when he picks his feet up for long periods. He will loudly exclaim, "Look, Mommy! Look what I can do!" and I always cheer and dance in joy. I love watching him try new things and succeed at them, I suppose I will forever. And when he crashes, many times head first, I go to him and simply encourage him to stand back up and shake it off. My response to him is so crucial to his response, in both the good and not so good things he does, and I've found this especially true when he gets hurt. Teaching him to be tough and get back up when he falls while still showing compassion and empathy has proved to be a pretty good method so far. I think we'll stick with it!

We are so proud of our brave little dare devil. His resilience and capability to thrive at new things is inspiring! We learn so much from our big boy.

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