Tuesday, November 17, 2020

bethany victoria | three years old.

Happy birthday to my very best girl in the whole wide world! You are THREE today, and I’m really having a hard time believing that it’s true. You have grown up sooooo much this year, and we have loved watching you take in the world around you. You have such a zest for life, and I believe with all my heart that your voice will carry on for generations. So much strength is inside of you, my girl. So much!

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You currently love alllllllll the girlie girl things — baby dolls, princesses, lipstick, nail polish, dresses, and high heels. I feel like I’m looking back in time watching you play, because I remember loving all of those things when I was a little girl, too. Your favorite princesses are currently Ariel and (drum roll please) Belle, which makes me suuuuper proud. I gotta be honest — Ariel has always been my least favorite princess, buuuuut seeing your excitement over mermaids has ignited some affections for her in my heart. LOL. You love the water (you little beach bum!), so it makes sense that you love a princess who lives in the water. Side note - that was part of the reason I’ve always struggled with Ariel. I hope you grow up more content than she was. *insert praying hands here*
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It has been a FUN year for us, little lady. Lots of hiking and traveling and learning new tricks. You mastered the balance bike over the summer, and you ride that thing like a pro now. It’s so surreal to see you on Braxton’s hand-me-down bike, because you were ITTY BITTY when he first started riding it. You weren’t even out of newborn clothes yet! You, also, love to go on walks around the neighborhood and jump on the trampoline. Although your favorite thing to jump in currently is the piles of leaves that Daddy and Braxton make every few weeks. Leaf jumpin’ is the best, and you’ve already learned that! You are officially potty trained (since late spring), and you dressed up as the Pink Power Ranger for Halloween this year.
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Although we have spent most of the year at home, we’ve still been able to do quite a bit of adventuring! We have visited five different beaches this year, with one more trip on the horizon before 2020 ends. One big reason for that is our (near complete) quest for State Park stamps this year! You’ve seen nearly all of South Carolina since January, and you have loved all the exploring and hiking we’ve gotten to do. You’ve also loved all the movies you have gotten to watch in the car on said road trips; movies are a treat around here! Annnnd speaking of road trips, we took a BIG one this summer. We roadtripped to FL for two weeks in July/August for 1) a week with our beloved Haltis (yep, you’ll see all the pictures of you and Maddox on your wedding slideshow one day) and 2) two days at DISNEY WORLD! We were so thankful we still got to go in the midst of a pandemic, and we made the most of it. You were in HEAVEN — we ALL were! We’re planning to go back again in a few years, and I’m already itching for it. Watching you and Braxton be so excited made me so happy. Being a mommy is the best!
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We didn’t get to have a big birthday party for you this year because of the state of the world, but we did have a few close family members over for dinner, cupcakes, and presents a couple of days ago. You got all your favorite characters as toys, and you’ve been playing with them non-stop since. It’s nice to finally have some girl toys in the house (LOL), and even Braxton is having fun playing with them with you. Your favorite phrase is “Awwww!” and you’ve used it A LOT since you got these new toys to play with. Everyday is the best day when you’ve got mermaids and princesses to play with, right? ;)
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You are so very, very special, my girl. A big ol’ personality with big ol’ emotions and an even bigger heart. Since Braxton has gone to school (which is still bittersweet for you, by the way), you and I have had more time together just the two of us. It has been soooooo good for us! Lots of snuggles and playing uninterrupted. Daddy is still your favorite, buuuuut this time together is giving us sweet memories that I am so grateful for. I hope you remember some of these sacred days we spend together as you grow up. I know I will never forget them.
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The day before your birthday will always be full of grief. Your birthday will be one of celebration. And every other day of the year will be a little bit of both. That’s okay, though, because your story (and ours as a family) will be this — because of the depth of love we have come to know, we will always press into this sacred space where joy and sorrow meet.  I will always fight for you and for us. And even on the days where my best isn’t all that great, I hope you never doubt my love for you. Because so much of the good in me has been thanks to you. We have all done a whole lot of growing these past three years!
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So, happy birthday to you! My darling and daring Bethany Victoria. Every day is the best day because I get to spend them loving you. And in the words of AC/DC, “she’s got eyes of the bluest skies as if they thought of rain. I hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain...” Keep growing and shining, baby girl. No matter what, we will always be in your corner!

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