Thursday, July 5, 2018

our fourth.

We ended up at one of our favorite waterfalls yesterday on accident, hiked through screams and whining and falls, and got an up close and personal view of one of nature's most beautiful spots in our area. We've been here so many times that I know it like the back of my hand, and yet it still makes my heart beat fast every time. There were a lot more people here than usual, which made me feel a mixture of emotions -- including but not limited to being annoyed that we didn't have the spot to ourselves and feeling thankful that so many people chose to spend their Independence Day outdoors. It was, also, pretty cool to see such a great age-range of people out on the trails; you're never too old or too young to spend time in the open air!

Braxton walked most of the trail on his own two feet, only having to be carried as we were nearing the end of the trail, and Bethany took turns smiling and snoozing to the falls and back again. Yellow Branch was pouring out like water from the spicket, and we climbed big rocks and splashed in the puddles and threw little rocks into those same puddles. Basically, it was the best. Even when Braxton slipped and fell into the water, soaking his shorts. And again, even when Bethany screamed at the top of her lungs without stopping for about thirty minutes.

We began our day chasing a waterfall, continued it at Mimi and Pops' pool, and ended it with our kiddos in their beds and Teesh and me watching Blue Bloods on the couch in our pajamas. Just another day in paraside! Seriously, y'all. This life we are living isn't anything spectacular from the world's perspective, but it's a life I've always dreamed of and prayed for -- having a husband who loves me and our children so well and so wholeheartedly, being a Mommy to kiddos of my own who make me so proud (and crazy, but that's another post for another day), and spending my days making the most of this life I've been graciously given. God has blessed me, and my family, and we've got lots to be thankful for. The biggest mistake I could ever make is to ignore or not believe that.
Happy Independence Day to you and yours from me and mine. I hope you made the most of your day -- and that it becomes a habit to keep doing so. Life is short,  but it's, also, what we make it.

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