Wednesday, February 12, 2014

two more faces.

As if Sunday wasn't already flawless, it got even more so when we went to the Greenville Road Warriors hockey game with two more former kiddos! That sounds too good to be true, huh? I''m still smiling! Gus was in my very first class at City Kids for a few months before I was reassigned to my own classroom + Helene was in my class two years later. Both of these little ones take up a lot of space in my heart, and my Helene-bo-baina is pretty much as close as it gets to my perfect mini-me. I can't begin to count the ways I love this family, their parents included, and I take full advantage of living only a few streets away from them; who doesn't love a good surprise drop-in from time to time? Trips to Publix are always filled with hopes of running into them, too, as we've made that a habit since moving in to the bungalow! :)

I hope I never get tired of trying to love with every ounce of energy I've got inside of me, even when the world calls me foolish. Loving is easy when you realize how much you've been loved first, that's a lesson that every kiddo I've ever taught has been used to teach me.

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