Monday, September 17, 2018

bethany victoria | ten months old.

What a month, what a month! You are officially in double digits, little lady. You are TEN MONTHS OLD! Time just keeps getting by us, but we're clinging to every moment we're given. You are such a happy girl, and you constantly make us giggle at the faces you make. You experience a whole lot of emotions all day every day, and most of them are on the bright side. You laugh, shout for joy, scream out in horror, and more -- sometimes you do all of these things within the same minute, giving us a whole lot of entertainment. You are a fast little booger, bear crawling all over the place, and you are a professional at pulling up and cruising. This month's picture documentation required some extra creativity from me and Braxton, because the last thing you wanted to do was lay still while I clicked my shutter.
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Your favorite thing is when your big brother acts silly to try to make you laugh, and boy, do you laugh! You've even fallen over a few times from laughing so hard, and there are lots of times when all four of us are sitting around just laughing together. Braxton loves to show off for you (which is sometimes problematic, LOL), and he does it because you love it so much. You two interact more and learn how cool you both are every day, and I just love to sit back and watch y'all go at it. He's been a little more jealous of you in the previous weeks, especially when it comes to my attention, but he still thinks you're the best thing ever -- and you feel the same way about him.
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You are eating so good these days, and you're even getting great at feeding yourself table food. You're still trying to get the hang of the sippy cup, but we practice every day. You weren't feeling good yesterday, and you drank some Pedialyte from your straw cup, which was a highlight of our tough day. You chugged away, probably because you were so pitiful -- but we were so excited to see progress! It took you several months to master your bottle, so I'm prepared for the sippy cup taking a little longer than it did your brother. I know you'll figure things out, smart girl! Aside from food and cups, you just plain love to have things in your mouth. You've got four teeth popping through (with more on the way), hence why you put everything you hold straight into your mouth. Your little toothy grin is THE cutest thing. Seriously, you are SO dang cute. Between your big grin, turkey thighs, bright blue eyes, button nose, and gorgeous hair, you've got it going on, girlfriend. I don't say this only because you're my daughter, but because it's true: you are absolutely, positively beautiful.
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I've started planning your first birthday party; in fact, I just ordered your invitations two days ago. I'm currently on the hunt for your birthday outfit, and it's looking like I'll be making a good part of it -- your mama is creative and frugal, and I hope that serves you well your whole life! And true story: I'm so excited to plan a birthday party themed around two P's: pink and pumpkins. I'm most excited to have our closest friends and family members join us for a day of celebrating you. You are so loved, sweet girl! I'll never stop telling you and showing you that you are.
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You've still only said "Mama," which is totally fine by me, but Daddy is patiently waiting for you to call him by name. Braxton is sure that your next words will be "Braxton Michael," so there's a challenge for you. LOL! Back to the mama thing, you are 100% my girl; you hear my voice and you come running (well, crawling, but you get the picture). Even if you hear my voice from across the house, I'll hear your little hands and feet pitter-patter on the hardwoods as you hurry to find me. You really know how to make a girl feel loved, missy! You were sick all day yesterday, and the only thing that made you happy was to be laying down on my chest. We slept on the couch together two nights ago when you were feeling so bad, and literally the only thing that gave you any comfort was to dig your face into my chest. You were breaking my heart and making fireworks go off inside my soul all at the same time -- and I think that's a pretty accurate description of motherhood in general; so many emotions!
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We've got lots of things planned over this next month: completing our HiB 30 challenge, play dates, time with family, pajama days, birthday parties, and more. You'll most likely have taken your first trip to the pumpkin patch by the time the day rolls around next month, just like you took your first (and second) trip to the apple orchard since the last time I wrote. I can't wait until you're looking through photo albums like your brother currently is obsessed with, retracing all the things you did and memories you made. I want your life to be more than just okay -- I want it to be extraordinary, filled with things that make you smile, challenge you, humble you, and that teach you to make the most of every moment. As a mama, helping you and your brother thrive is my mission.
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Keep growing big and strong, little one! You become more of your own person every single second, and we love cheering for you and shepherding you along the way. You make our hearts so full, Bethany Victoria, and we love you more than you'll ever know!

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