Wednesday, November 2, 2011

our favorite number is now her age.

Three years ago, I transferred to Clemson University after my freshman year of college. I immediately got involved in FCA and, shortly after, joined a small group of girls my age. It was great--they were all SO sweet and it was a lot of fun. Then (and it didn't take long for me to figure it out), they became people who I could never live without. It really is amazing how fast this group of total strangers became like sisters to me. I am more and more thankful for each of them with each passing day. They made my years at Clemson a million times more unforgettable just by being my friends.

One girl, in particular, and I kinda-sorta fell into something similar to "love at first sight." This is how it went down: we were all talking amongst ourselves, when I overheard someone talking to Amber (one of the small group leaders) about One Tree Hill. My head turned so fast that I nearly snapped it, I ran over to stick my nose into the conversation, and immediately asked/screamed "WHO JUST SAID ONE TREE HILL?" After their shock subsided, this little lady named Melanie looked at me, and when our eyes met, it was a lot like falling in love (except not the romantic kind). And that was it. The rest is history.

The two girls that I just mentioned, Amber and Melanie, are better known to you (and, really, the rest of the world) as B. Davis and P. Sawyer. MY B. Davis and P. Sawyer. And, since we're on the subject, P. Sawyer just so happens to be the reason for celebration today on this second day of November.

On this day, twenty-three years ago, a little girl was born in Ecuador. She moved to America with her family, moved back to South America to live in Colombia for a couple years, and now resides in the cozy little state of South Carolina. I met her when she was twenty, and I've had the pleasure of walking through life with her pretty much since the day we met. She's become such a huge part of my life that there are very few memories from the past three years of my life that she isn't in. There's no one else I'd rather "do life" with (as we call it), and I'm pretty sure that she'll always be one of the most important people in my life for the rest of my life. I'm blessed to even know she exists, which makes me blessed beyond belief to be able to call her my best friend. I've never met anyone like her as long as I've been alive, and I pray I never take for granted just how much favor the Lord has showed me by allowing her to see something special in clumsy, silly ol' me.

So, with that being said, I am sending the happiest of happy birthdays to my soulmate. The one and only, Melanie Joy Pineros.

My dearest P. Sawyer,
On this day, in this season of thanksgiving, and every other day I am alive, I am thankful for YOU and the life that you so unselfishly offer to everyone you meet. You make me want to be a better person, and your pure heart is infectious. Thank you for seeing whatever it is you see in me that keeps you hanging around. Thank you for never ever letting me down, and for always making every memory we have together as priceless as they come. YOU are a gift from the Lord, and I'm almost certain that there is no way my heart could hold anymore love for you than it has at this very moment.

Here's to another hundred years with P. Sawyer making the world a better place.

And now, a small tribute to our quirky, one-of-a-kind friendship that may not make a lot of sense to any other person on the whole planet...but, to us, it's perfect.


"Have you ever wondered what marks our time here? If one life can really make an impact on the world? Or if the choices we make matter? I believe they do. And I believe that one man can change many lives, for better or for worse."
-Lucas Scott, One Tree Hill


  1. Awww such a sweet post about your friendship!!! Happy birthday to Melanie! And those pictures are hilarious. I'm sure there's some inside joke behind them but I did laugh looking at them :) don't you just love the crazy faces friends make together in pictures?!

  2. Allllright Hales. I've read this entry prol-la-ly 6 times now [no more crying, just heart-warming ;)], so I feel as though I must sign in and comment =). Your words sincerely touch my heart, and I feel like the luckiest friend in the whole, wide world to have such loving things said about me!!! GEESH! I can only say that you seriously bring out the best in me and that you have a huge part in who I am today. I love you dearly and treasure our friendship everyday and always.

    P. Sawyer


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