Tuesday, January 1, 2013

happy new year!

Welp, we made it. One year gone, and another one on the horizon. Two thousand thirteen. A new year, a fresh opportunity to get things right, a second (or third or fourth) chance to really discover who you want to be in this world, a clean slate. Hopefully, you achieved some of your goals and kept up with a few resolutions over the past three hundred and sixty-five days. But, if not, no fear--this could be the year everything turns around for you. The important thing is that we not grow weary in living.

My challenge to myself and you this year is that we would strive to make our life something we're proud to look back on, something we want the whole world to see, something that others desire to have for themselves. Sure, this world is a messed up place, that's no secret, but there is nothing wrong with spreading a little love and cheer simply with the presence you carry. Not every day will be full of rainbows and smiles, but just never forget that whatever heartache you face, whatever mistakes you make along the way--they won't last forever. We've got to keep moving through the rubble and pushing through the mess so that we can bask in the sunshine once it passes. Because it will. It always does. We just have to cling to the One who promises to never leave nor forsake us along the way; through the good and bad, He is all we need.

Love. Belief. Heart. Dedication. Optimism. Peace. Encouragement. Soul. Compassion. Patience. Empathy. Sincerity. Endurance. Joy. Forgiveness. Kindness. Trust.

Those are the things that have the power to change our world. May we choose to invest in those fruits this year, and may we let go of the weight of this world that tries to hold us down and keep us there. Praise be to the Father that this is not as good as it gets. Live in confidence that, with Jesus on our side, we're not home yet. Until that day, though, we must tell of His wonders on Earth and pour our entire being into making His name famous throughout every tongue and nation.

Happy New Year!
May you be blessed and thankful all year long.

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