Friday, November 9, 2018

to ohio we will go | hocking hills state park.

In early spring, I came across an Instagram post that stopped me in my tracks. It was a picture of a state park that I had never heard of, but it was so stunning and unique that I found myself on Google looking up everything I could find on it.

Then, one of my good friends that I regularly hike with shared with me that she and her son would be taking a trip there over the summer. Yep, you guessed it -- I almost invited myself to come along. Don't worry, I didn't -- but I did anxiously await her take on it after she returned home. She went on and on about it, which only heightened my desire to just pick up and go!

Then, our long-time family friends who live in Ohio came to visit over the summer, and I asked them about this majestic place that had gotten my adventure wheels turning. I couldn't believe it -- they only live about half an hour from it. My response was quick, confident, and involved some drool: "WE ARE COMING TO VISIT YOU!" We'd always wanted to go see the place they called home, and multiple circumstances said that now was the time -- so we started making plans!

When TJ's fall break finally arrived after months of waiting, we packed our bags, loaded up our van, and hopped in the car for a family road trip! Nine hours there, a whole weekend of exploring new-to-us places, and quite an ordeal to get home (the short story: our van had some engine problems and is still in West Virginia, and we rented a car to get home. so fun, right?) is how to story goes from beginning to end, but the three best parts of our first trip to Ohio were simple: 1) spending time with Butch and Tracie as they gave us the ultimate experience and welcomed us into their home despite how crazy we are with two small kiddos, 2) visiting Ohio University, and 3) our Sunday afternoon gazing at God's beautiful handiwork.

So, what is this wonderful place I keep talking about? Hocking Hills State Park. And people, this NEEDS to be on your list of must-see places. I teared up a few times on the trail -- nope, not because we hiked close to seven miles with kiddos in tow (hehe). I was just IN AWE of the beauty I found myself beholding. It sounds dramatic because it WAS dramatic. I've seen a lot of gorgeous places in my lifetime, but this one was unlike anything else. All I could say, over and over again, was wow. Wow, wow, wow!

Pictures don't do it justice, but I clicked my shutter almost every other step because I never want to forget what I had the incredible pleasure and honor of seeing and experiencing.

Hocking Hills, you were everything I thought you'd be. And more. So much more!

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