Saturday, December 3, 2011

a little preparation.


That's when we'll be reunited in the most wonderful city in the world.

Well, almost all of us.

The beautiful court you see behind us won't be there. After nine years and (what will be) eight trips, our beloved River Court won't be the backdrop of anymore family portraits ever again. Sad? I'd say more like the most horrifyingly depressing thing. Maybe ever.

It's hard to lose something that has become a part of who you are, and I know some of you will read this and laugh uncontrollably because you don't understand, but it's the truth. I was a freshman in high school when this series premiered, and I've made some really great memories and some even better friends along the way. Some of those friendships, in fact, began with this show being our common denominator.

Yes, it'll be strange to pull into town without this being there. But I'll be thankful for the opportunity to pull into town again with three of the best girls in the whole world. We'll all probably shed a few tears, but I can assure you that it will turn into big smiles and laughing 'til it hurts shortly after. That's the beauty of hanging out with your best friends.


Nothing finer than that right there, I promise you.

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