Monday, February 22, 2016

our president's day.

Daddy was home on a Monday, so we wanted to do something fun. The problem was that the wind made it feel like icicles were hitting your face every time it blew, crossing any outdoor activities off the list. What's a family to do on a day like this? Well, this family bundled up, hopped in the car, and spent a couple of hours at The Children's Museum! Braxton was happy as can be as he pushed his own mini-sized grocery cart, splashed in the water, made music with sticks, and speed-crawled all over the place. I don't know who was more tired after this adventure, him or us, but I'll just say that we all three enjoyed a good nap when we got home.

Greenville, you're seriously the bomb.
I especially love this last picture I snapped, because it represents us all so perfectly. Braxton is always moving, exploring, and trying to figure out things for himself, I'm always making sure that his smiles and discoveries are captured in still frames, and Daddy is always standing at just far enough away so that B can play independently while still being close enough to scoop in and save the day if need be (he's tucked away right behind me in the black sweatshirt). Our life in one photograph.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't the new 50 States exhibit awesome? All my boys love it - from the 1 year old to the 5 year old!


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