Monday, December 13, 2010

and all that I can see is my future in your hands.

Today was the day. You're probably wondering what day I'm talking about. Well, you see, exactly 85 days (or 2 months and 24 days) ago, I found the perfect dress to wear when I marry the man of my dreams. I thought that would be the best day ever. Wrooooooong.

When I tried on the dress the first time, it was thrilling and exhilarating and everything I ever imagined it would be, plus some. The difference between September 19th and today is that I got to put my dress on tonight for the very first time. My very own wedding gown. Mine all mine. It's the only one I'll ever have, and I get to wear it on what I am certain will be the happiest day of my life. Somebody pinch me, quick!

I have the perfect dress. I have the perfect husband-to-be. I have the perfect Savior who has orchestrated every single moment up to this point in my life and will continue to do so for the remainder of it. I have the perfect family who is willing to drop everything at the drop of a hat to take time to share in all this excitement with me. I have the perfect friends who never stop encouraging me, no matter what. And while my life may not be perfect, it's the perfect life for me.

215 days!

Alright, Matt, take it away. :)

"I dreamed of a wedding of elaborate elegance, a church filled with family and friends. I asked him what kind of a wedding he wished for; he said one that would make me his wife."
-Author Unknown

1 comment:

  1. annnnnd already there's another reason to add to the list: this song kept playing through my head allll day long yesterday when you told me your dress came in!!! =D


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