Sunday, April 3, 2016

easter sunday.

What's better than celebrating our risen and reigning Savior, Jesus Christ, with a little bit of baby swag? I can't think of anything either!

Last year we did crazy things in hopes that our little (almost) three month-old baby would smile or coo at us, and this year we chased him around as he laughed and cackled at our attempts. There is so much personality in this little body, and his cute self is the poster child for "uncontrollable joy."

This Easter Sunday was full of family, friends, going from house-to-house, zero naps (all the mamas' eyes just got big with either sympathy or empathy, didn't they?), goooooooooooood food, trips down Memory Lane, soaking in the fleeting moments, snuggling my littlest, secretly flirting across the room with my biggest, thankfulness, and a whole lot of Jesus.

So much changes from year-to-year, but Easter is proof that not everything does. God is still God, Jesus is still risen, and I am still a daughter of the Most High. Easter is a day that we celebrate triumph, victory, miracles, and more, and I am praying that my family would live like it's Easter every day. That we would view Easter as a lifestyle more than a single day.

The glory of God is all around us, and I don't want my eyes to miss a second of it. It's easy to see His glory when I look at my husband or baby or creation or people I love most; it's more difficult, however, to say "Praise God" when it hurts. My prayer for this little family is that no matter how we feel, we would do as Jesus says and simply come to Him (Matthew 11:28-30).

To have a posture of worship when I experience the glory of God, to live in the joy that is mine in Jesus, and to make decisions that flow from the wisdom of God. That's what it means for me to be a daughter of the King.

It, also, means that I seek to be the best wife and mama that I can be. And with boys as handsome as these, I've got plenty of motivation!
Happy (belated) Easter from the three Bargerons!

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